发布时间:2019-06-27      来源:       点击:



    靳红磊,博士,教授,博士生导师,“国家优秀青年科学基金”获得者,“广东特支计划”科技创新青年拔尖人才。现任金沙2004路线js5金沙2004路线js5副院长,药用植物生理生态研究所所长;兼任广东省植物生理学会副理事长,广东省中医药学会中草药囊泡研究与应用专业委员会副主任,Advanced Biotechnology编委、青年编委会副主编,Medicinal Plant Biology 编委,New Crops青年编委等。主要从事植物叶绿体生物学及药用植物生物技术相关工作,近年来以第一或通讯作者在国际学术期刊Nature CommunicationsPNASCell ReportsPlant CellPlant PhysiologyPlant Journal等发表论文多篇。相关研究论文被F1000推荐阅读,多次被杂志作为封面论文、亮点论文、热点话题推荐阅读,被国家自然科学基金委以“基金要闻”、“基金成果快讯”等进行报道。主持国家自然科学基金项目4项、省部级项目4项,参研国家重大专项1项;获得广东省自然科学二等奖。























1. Optimization of central carbon metabolism by Warburg effect of human cancer cell improves triterpenes biosynthesis in yeast. Xiaona Lin1, Tianyue An, Danni Fu1, Sujuan Duan, HongLei Jin* and HongBin Wang*. 2023, Advanced Biotechnology, 2023, doi.org/10.1007/s44307-023-00004-6. (封面文章)

2. HHL1 and SOQ1 synergistically regulate nonphotochemical quenching in Arabidopsis. Sujuan Duan, Beibei Dong, Ziqi Chen, Liu Hong, Pengxiang Zhang, Ziyue Yang, Hong-Bin Wang*, and Hong-Lei Jin*. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2023, 299(5):104670.

3. High light triggers flavonoid and polysaccharide synthesis through DoHY5-dependent signaling in Dendrobium officinale. Dongxiao Li#, Guangying#, Jie Li, Zhenqin Lai, Siyou Ruan, Qi Qi, Zaihua Wang, Sujuan Duan, Hong-Lei Jin* and Hong-Bin Wang*. Plant Journal, 2023, 115 (4): 1114-1133.

4. Dual roles for CND1 in maintenance of nuclear and chloroplast genome stability in plants. Hong-Lei Jin*, Sujuan Duan, Pengxiang Zhang, Ziyue Yang, Yunping Zeng, Ziqi Chen, Liu Hong, Mengshu Li, Lujun Luo, Zhenyi Chang, Jiliang Hu, and Hong-Bin Wang*. Cell Reports, 2023, 42, 112268.

5. N6-methyladenosine RNA modification regulates photosynthesis during photodamage in plants. Man Zhang, Yunping Zeng, Jie Dong, Yelin Lan, Sujuan Duan, Zhenyi Chang, Jian Ren, Guanzheng Luo, Bing Liu, Kamil Růžička, Hong-Bin Wang*, Hong-Lei Jin*. Nature Communications, 2022, 13:7441

6. Quantitative proteomics reveals redox-based functional regulation of photosynthesis under fluctuating light in plants. Qi Chen, Yixian Xiao, Yu Ming, Rong Peng, Jiliang Hu, Hong-Bin Wang, Hong-Lei Jin*. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2022, 64 (11): 2168-2186.

7. Increased photosystem II translation efficiency as an important photoprotective mechanism in an Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype (Tibet-0) adapted to high light environments. Man Zhang, Jing Zhao, Wanying Li, Shuqi Wen, Huiling Huang, Jie Dong, Bing Liu, Gong Zhang, Hong-Bin Wang, Yanting Shen*, Hong-Lei Jin*. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2021 (183): 104350

8. Signaling from Plastid Genome Stability Modulates Endoreplication and Cell Cycle during Plant Development. Sujuan Duan, Lili Hu, Beibei Dong, Hong-Lei Jin*, and Hong-Bin Wang*. Cell Reports, 2020, 32 (6): 108019

9. Light Signaling-Dependent Regulation of Photosystem II Biogenesis and Functional Maintenance. Xue Li, Hong-Bin Wang, and Hong-Lei Jin*. Plant Physiology, 2020, 183 (4):1855-1868. 期刊Editor撰写“News and Views”撰文评论

10. Plastid ribosomal protein LPE2 is involved in photosynthesis and the response to C/N balance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Xiaoxiao Dong#, Sujuan Duan#, Hong-Bin Wang, Hong-Lei Jin*. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2020, 62(9): 1418–1432.

11. LOW PHOTOSYNTHETIC EFFICIENCY 1 is required for light-regulated photosystem II biogenesis in Arabidopsis. Honglei Jin#, Mei Fu#, Zhikun Duan#, Sujuan Duan, Mengshu Li, Xiaoxiao Dong, Bing Liu, Dongru Feng, Jinfa Wang, Lianwei Peng and Hong-Bin Wang,*. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018, 115 (26): E6075-E6084.国家基金委基金成果快讯报道

12. Optimization of Light Harvesting Pigment Improves Photosynthetic Efficiency in Arabidopsis. Honglei Jin, Mengshu Li, Sujuan Duan, Mei Fu, Xiaoxiao Dong, Bing Liu, Dongru Feng, Jinfa Wang* &Hong-Bin Wang*. Plant Physiology2016172 (3)1720–1731. (On the Inside专文推荐,期刊Top Topics: Best of 2016 F1000推荐)

13. DELAYED GREENING 238, a Nuclear-Encoded Chloroplast Nucleoid Protein, Is Involved in the Regulation of Early Chloroplast Development and Plastid Gene Expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Menglong Wang, Lan Jiang, Qingen Da, Jun Liu, Dongru Feng, Jinfa Wang, Hong-Bin Wang and Honglei Jin *. Plant and Cell Physiology2016, 57(12): 2586–2599. (Highlight推荐)

14. HYPERSENSITIVE TO HIGH LIGHT1 Interacts with LOW QUANTUM YIELD OF PHOTOSYSTEM II1 and Functions in Protection of Photosystem II from Photodamage in Arabidopsis. Honglei Jin, Bing Liu, Lujun Luo, Dongru Feng, Peng Wang, Jun Liu, Qingen Da, Yanming He, Kangbiao Qi, Jinfa Wang, and Hong-Bin Wang*. Plant Cell2014, 26 (3)1213-1229. (国家基金委基金要闻报道)

