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       周华,博士,教授,博士生导师。2001年获金沙2004路线js5中西医结合基础(免疫药理)博士学位,1993年和1996年分别获广州中医学院中药学学士学位和金沙2004路线js5中西医结合基础(中药)硕士学位。先后工作于美国哥伦比亚大学、香港浸会大学、澳门科技大学,中药质量研究国家重点实验室。现兼任澳门特别行政区医疗专业委员会成员、中药师资格认可委员会协调员,中国免疫学会中医药免疫分会副主任委员兼秘书长,世界中医药学会联合会中医药免疫专业委员会副会长兼副秘书长,澳门国际风湿病研究合作联盟秘书长,Phytomedicine杂志副主编、Pharmacological Research杂志荣誉编委,国际标准化组织中医药技术委员会原药材与传统炮制质量安全工作组(ISO/TC249/WG1)秘书及专家。主要从事抗炎免疫与心血管中药药理研究,中药新药及中药国际标准研发等。获国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金(原国家杰青B类,海外杰青)、国家科学技术部、澳门科学技术发展基金重点项目资助;发表SCI论文逾180篇,H因子41;获国际及中国专利授权逾30项,发布ISO中药国际标准4项;以主要共同完成人身份获2012年度国家科技进步二等奖、教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖一等奖、澳门特别行政区科学技术奖励特等奖以及自然科学奖一等奖等各级奖励十余项。


1998 - 2001 金沙2004路线js5中西医给合基础 (免疫药理) 专业,获博士学位

1993 - 1996 金沙2004路线js5中西医结合基础 (中药) 专业,获硕士学位

1989 - 1993 广州中医学院中药学专业,获学士学位

2022.2 -至今 广东省中医院 / 金沙2004路线js5第二附属医院 / 金沙2004路线js5第二临床医学院 / 广东省中医科学院 研究员

2020.7 - 2022.2 澳门科技大学中医药学院院长

2016.7 - 2022.2 澳门科技大学教授

2015.7 – 2020.6 澳门科技大学中医药学院副院长

2013.7 - 2015.6 澳门科技大学中医药学院助理院长

2012.7 - 2013.6 澳门科技大学中医药学院课程主任

2011.9 - 2016.6 澳门科技大学副教授

2011.9 - 2022.2 中药质量研究国家重点实验室(澳门科技大学)中药活性评价及分子药理研究室主任

2006.1 - 2011.9 香港浸会大学中医药学院助理教授,岑尧宽岑碧泉纪念癌症炎症研究中心研究员

2002.11 - 2005.12 香港浸会大学中医药学院研究开发部科学主任

2001.8 - 2002.10 美国纽约哥伦比亚大学医学院心脏生理部博士后

1996.7 - 1998.8 广州中医学院中药系药剂教研室助教




(1) 青藤碱调控mPGES-1基因特异性甲基化的机理及其用于筛选新型抗炎中药的示范研究 [批准号:81929003]. 国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金延续项目, 180万元, 2020.01.01 ~ 2023.12.31

(2) 中药抗炎免疫药理研究 [批准号:81628016]. 国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金项目, 18万元, 2017.01.01 ~ 2018.12.31.

(3) 中医经典名方瓜蒌薤白半夏汤和麦门冬汤的制剂、标准研发与产业转化研究 [批准号:0001/2020/AKP]. 澳门科学技术发展基金重点研发计划, 澳门元900万, 2021.8.7 ~ 2024.8.7

(4) 中药抗新冠状病毒表面及空气消毒剂的研制 [批准号:0053/2020/A]. 澳门科学技术发展基金抗疫特别项目, 澳门元41万, 2020.4.18 ~ 2021.4.17

(5) 多基源中药大黄、黄连质量一致性评价研究及 ISO 国际中药标准研发 [批准号:0061/2019/AGJ]. 澳门科学技术发展基金与广东省科学技术厅联合科研资助项目, 澳门元118万, 2020.1.5 ~ 2022.1.4

(6) 基于体内暴露的中药附子质量标示物的挖掘、确证与应用 [批准号:0027/2017/AMJ]. 国家科学技术部与澳门科学技术发展基金联合科研资助项目, 澳门元102万, 2018.10.4 ~ 2021.10.3


(1) Zhang Y-Y, Yao Y-D, Luo J-F, Liu Z-Q, Huang Y-M, Wu F-C, Sun Q-H, Liu J-X, Zhou H*. Microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 and its inhibitors: Molecular mechanisms and therapeutic significance. Pharmacological Research. 2022 Jan 1;175:105977. [SCI impact factor 2020: 7.658, ranked 15th in 275 journals (5.45%) of category PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY]

(2) Cheng Q-Q, Ouyang Y, Tang Z-Y, Lao C-C, Zhang Y-Y, Cheng C-S, Zhou H*. Review on the Development and Applications of Medicinal Plant Genomes. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021 Dec 23;12:791219. [SCI impact factor 2020: 5.750, ranked 17th in 235 journals (7.20%) of category PLANT SCIENCES]

(3) Wang X, Ni J-H, You Y, Feng G-Z, Zhang S-L, Bao W-L, Hou H, Li H-D, Liu L-X, Zheng M-Y, Wang Y-R, Zhou H*, Shen W-X*, Shen X-Y*. SNX10-mediated LPS sensing causes intestinal barrier dysfunction via a caspase-5-dependent signaling cascade. EMBO Journal. 2021 Dec 15;40(24):e108080. [SCI impact factor 2020: 11.598, ranked 22nd in 297 journals (7.40%) of category BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY]

(4) Qu B, Wang X-L, Zheng D-C, Mai C-T, Liu Z-Q, Zhou H*, Xie Y*. Novel treatment for refractory rheumatoid arthritis with total glucosides of paeony and nobiletin codelivered in a self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2021 Dec 6; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41401-021-00801-6[SCI impact factor 2020: 6.150, ranked 45th in 179 journals (25.1%) of category MULTIDISCIPLINARY CHEMISTRY]

(5) Chen M-T, Xie Y, Gong S-L, Wang Y, Yu H, Zhou T-R, Huang F-R, Guo X, Zhang H-H, Huang R, Han Z-Y, Xing Y-F, Liu Q, Tong G-D*, Zhou H*. Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Pharmacological Research. 2021 Oct 1;172:105849. [SCI impact factor 2020: 7.658, ranked 15th in 275 journals (5.45%) of category PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY]

(6) Gao W-J, Liu J-X, Liu M-N, Yao Y-D, Liu Z-Q, Liu L, He H-H, Zhou H*. Macrophage 3D migration: A potential therapeutic target for inflammation and deleterious progression in diseases. Pharmacological Research. 2021 May 1;167:105563.[SCI impact factor 2020: 7.658, ranked 15th in 275 journals (5.45%) of category PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY]

(7) Xie Y, Mai C-T, Zheng D-C, He Y-F, Feng S-L, Li Y-Z, Liu C-X, Zhou H*, Liu L*. Wutou decoction ameliorates experimental rheumatoid arthritis via regulating NF-kB and Nrf2: Integrating efficacy-oriented compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine. Phytomedicine. 2021 May 1;85:153522.[SCI impact factor 2020: 5.340, ranked 3rd in 29 journals (10.34%) of category INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE]

(8) Liu M-N, Pu Y-T, Gu J, He Q-D, Liu Y, Zeng Y-W, Li J-C, Long X-R, Yang S-J*, Wu Q-B*, Zhou H*. Evaluation of Zhilong Huoxue Tongyu Capsule in the Treatment of Acute Cerebral Infarction: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Phytomedicine. 2021 Apr 9;153566.[SCI impact factor 2020: 5.340, ranked 3rd in 29 journals (10.34%) of category INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE]

(9) Liu M-N, Luo G, Gao W-J, Yang S-J*, Zhou H*. miR-29 family: A potential therapeutic target for cardiovascular disease. Pharmacological Research. 2021 Apr 1;166:105510.[SCI impact factor 2020: 7.658, ranked 15th in 275 journals (5.45%) of category PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY]

(10) Cheng C-S, Lao C-C, Cheng Q-Q, Zhang Z-L, Lu J-G, Liu J-X, Zhou H*. Identification of blood-red color formation in edible bird’s nests provides a new strategy for safety control. Food Chemistry. 2021 Mar 3;129454.[SCI impact factor 2020: 7.514, ranked 7th in 144 journals (4.86%) of category FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY]

(11) Xu X-T, Shi Y-H, Sang Z*, Zhou H*. Features and development trends in international standardization of Chinese materia medica in ISO/TC 249. Pharmacological Research. 2021 Feb 23;105519.[SCI impact factor 2020: 7.658, ranked 15th in 275 journals (5.45%) of category PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY]

(12) Gao W-J, Liu J-X, Xie Y, Luo P, Liu Z-Q, Liu L*, Zhou H*. Suppression of macrophage migration by down-regulating Src/FAK/P130Cas activation contributed to the anti-inflammatory activity of sinomenine. Pharmacological Research. 2021 Feb 20;105513. [SCI impact factor 2020: 7.658, ranked 15th in 275 journals (5.45%) of category PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY]

(13) Wang W-Y†, Zhou H†, Wang Y-F, Sang B-S*, Liu L*. Current Policies and Measures on the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China. Pharmacological Research. 2021 Jan 1;105187.[SCI impact factor 2020: 7.658, ranked 15th in 275 journals (5.45%) of category PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY]

(14) Leung E-L-H, Pan H-D, Huang Y-F, Fan X-X, Wang W-Y, He F, Cai J, Zhou H*, Liu L*. The scientific foundation of Chinese herbal medicine against COVID-19. Engineering. 2020 Oct 1;6(10):1099–107.[SCI impact factor 2020: 7.553, ranked 4th in 91 journals (4.39%) of category MULTIDISCIPLINARY ENGINEERING]

(15) Shi Y-H†, Huang Y-F†, Wang W-Y, Yang L*, Zhou H*, Sang Zhen*. Analysis on the current quality standards of Chinese materia Medica used in COVID-19 prevention and treatment. Pharmacological Research. 2020 Oct 1;160:105074.[SCI impact factor 2020: 7.658, ranked 15th in 275 journals (5.45%) of category PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY]

(16) Huang Y-F†, He F†, Xie Y†, Liu L*, Zhou H*. ISO/TC 249 platform promotes the development of international standardization and trade for the Chinese medicines industry. Pharmacological Research. 2020 Oct 1;160:105066.[SCI impact factor 2020: 7.658, ranked 15th in 275 journals (5.45%) of category PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY]

(17) Huang Y-F, He F, Wang C-J, Xie Y, Zhang Y-Y, Sang Z, Qiu P, Luo P, Xiao S-Y, Li J, Wu F-C, Liu L*, Zhou H*. Discovery of chemical markers for improving the quality and safety control of Sinomenium acutum stem by the simultaneous determination of multiple alkaloids using UHPLC-QQQ-MS/MS. Scientific Reports. 2020 Aug 25; 10(1):14182(1-12)[SCI impact factor 2020: 4.379, ranked 17th in 73 journals (23.29%) of category MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES

(18) Wang W-Y, Xie Y, Zhou H*, Liu L*. Contribution of traditional Chinese medicine to the treatment of COVID-19. Phytomedicine. 2020 Jul 7;153279.[SCI impact factor 2020: 5.340, ranked 3rd in 29 journals (10.34%) of category INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE]

(19) Zuo Y-H, Liu Y-B, Cheng C-S, Yang Y-P, Xie Y, Luo P, Wang W*, Zhou H*. Isovaleroylbinankadsurin A ameliorates cardiac ischemia/reperfusion injury through activating GR dependent RISK signaling. Pharmacological Research. 2020 May 16;104897. [SCI impact factor 2020: 7.658, ranked 15th in 275 journals (5.45%) of category PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY]

(20) Huang Y-F, Bai C, He F, Xie Y, Zhou H*. Review on the potential action mechanisms of Chinese medicines in treating Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Pharmacological Research. 2020 May 21;104939.[SCI impact factor 2020: 7.658, ranked 15th in 275 journals (5.45%) of category PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY]

(21) Lio C-K, Luo J-F, Shen X-Y, Dai Y, Machado J, Xie Y, Yao Y-D, Yu Y, Liu J-X, Yao X-S, Luo P*, Zhou H*. Nardosinanone N suppresses LPS-induced macrophage activation by modulating the Nrf2 pathway and mPGES-1. Biochemical Pharmacology. 2020 Mar;173:113639.[SCI impact factor 2020: 5.858, ranked 38th in 275 journals (13.81%) of category PHARMACOLOGY&PHARMACY]

(22) Wang W-Y†, Zhou H†, Liu L*. The Role of Chinese Herbal Medicine in the Management of Adverse Drug Reactions of Leflunomide in Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis. Phytomedicine. 2020 Mar;68:153136.[SCI impact factor 2020: 5.340, ranked 3rd in 29 journals (10.34%) of category INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE]

(23) Wang C-J, He F, Huang Y-F, Ma H-L, Wang Y-P, Cheng C-S, Cheng J-L, Lao C-C, Chen D-A, Zhang Z-F, Sang Z, Luo P, Xiao S-Y, Xie Y, Zhou H*. Discovery of chemical markers for identifying species, growth mode and production area of Astragali Radix by using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. Phytomedicine. 2020 Feb 1;67:153155.[SCI impact factor 2020: 5.340, ranked 3rd in 29 journals (10.34%) of category INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE]

(24) Li C, Zhang W-Y, Yu Y, Cheng C-S, Han J-Y, Yao X-S*, Zhou H*. Discovery of the mechanisms and major bioactive compounds responsible for the protective effects of Gualou Xiebai Decoction on coronary heart disease by network pharmacology analysis. Phytomedicine. 2019 Mar 15;56:261–8. [SCI impact factor 2019: 4.268, ranked 2nd in 28 journals (7.10%) of category INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE]

(25) Zhang W-Y, Yu Y, Yan L-L, Li C, Han J-Y, Qin Z-F, Dai Y, Yao Z-H, Zhou H*, Yao X-S*. Discovery of cardio-protective constituents of Gualou Xiebai Decoction, a classical traditional Chinese medicinal formula. Phytomedicine. 2019 Feb 15;54:318–27. [SCI impact factor 2019: 4.268, ranked 2nd in 28 journals (7.10%) of category INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE]

(26) Luo J-F, Shen X-Y, Lio CK, Dai Y, Cheng C-S, Liu J-X, Yao Y-D, Yu Y, Xie Y, Luo P, Yao X-S, Liu Z-Q*, Zhou,H.* Activation of Nrf2/HO-1 Pathway by Nardochinoid C Inhibits Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Macrophages. Front Pharmacol. 2018 Aug 29;9: 911(1-19). [SCI impact factor 2018: 3.845, ranked 59th in 267 journals (22.1%) of category PHARMACOLOGY&PHARMACY]

(27) Zuo,Y.H., Han,Q.B., Dong,G.T., Yue,R.Q., Ren,X.C., Liu,J.X., Liu,L., Luo,P.*, Zhou,H. * Panax ginseng Polysaccharide Protected H9c2 Cardiomyocyte From Hypoxia/Reoxygenation Injury Through Regulating Mitochondrial Metabolism and RISK Pathway. Frontiers in Physiology. 2018 Jun 15;9: 699 (1-16).[SCI impact factor 2018: 3.201, ranked 25th in 81 journals (28.9%) of category PHYSIOLOGY]

(28) Huang B-M, Zha Q-L, Chen T-B, Xiao S-Y, Xie Y, Luo P, Wang Y-P, Liu L, Zhou H* Discovery of markers for discriminating the age of cultivated ginseng by using UHPLC-QTOF/MS coupled with OPLS-DA. Phytomedicine. 2018 June 1;45:8-17[SCI impact factor 2018: 4.180, ranked 1st in 27 journals (3.7%) of category INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE]

(29) Chen T-B, Zuo Y-H, Dong G-T, Liu L, Zhou H*. An integrated strategy for rapid discovery and identification of quality markers in Guanxin Kangtai preparation using UHPLC-TOF/MS and multivariate statistical analysis. Phytomedicine. 2018 May 15;44:239–46.[SCI impact factor 2018: 4.180, ranked 1st in 27 journals (3.7%) of category INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE]

(30) Zhou,H.†, Liu,J.X.†, Luo,J.F., Cheng,C.S., Leung,E.L.H., Li,Y., Su,X.H., Liu,Z.Q., Chen,T.B., Duan,F.G., Dong,Y., Zuo,Y.H., Li,C., Lio,C.K., Li,T., Luo,P., Xie,Y., Yao,X.J., Wang,P.X., Liu,L. (2017) Suppressing mPGES-1 expression by sinomenine ameliorates inflammation and arthritis. Biochemical Pharmacology. 2017 October 15; 142: 133-144. DOI: 10.1016/j.bcp.2017.07.010[SCI impact factor 2017: 4.235, ranked 36th in 261 journals (13.8%) of category PHARMACOLOGY&PHARMACY]

(31) He,F. †, Wang,C.J. †, Xie,Y., Cheng,C.S., Liu,Z.Q., Liu,L. *, Zhou,H.* (2017) Simultaneous quantification of nine aconitum alkaloids in Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata and related products using UHPLC–QQQ–MS/MS. Scientific Reports. 2017 Oct 12;7(1): 13023(1–12). [SCI impact factor 2017: 4.122, ranked 12th in 64 journals (18.8%) of category MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES]

(32) Wu,P., Gao,H., Liu,J.X., Liu,L., Zhou,H.*, Liu,Z.Q.* (2017) Triterpenoid saponins with anti-inflammatory activities from Ilex pubescens roots. Phytochemistry. 2017;134:122-32.[SCI impact factor 2017: 3.186, ranked 34th in 222 journals (15.3%) of category PLANT SCIENCES]

(33) Xiao,L., Yi,T., Lam,C.W.K.*, Zhou,H.* (2016) A new mechanism for increasing the oral bioavailability of scutellarin with Cremophor EL: activation of MRP3 with concurrent inhibition of MRP2 and BCRP. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2016 Oct 10;93:456-67.[SCI impact factor 2016: 3.756, ranked 54th in 256 journals (21.1%) of category PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY]

(34) Liu,J.X., Tang,J.S., Zuo,Y.H., Yu,Y., Luo,P., Yao,X.S., Dong,Y., Wang,P.X., Liu,L.*, Zhou,H.* (2016) Stauntoside B inhibits macrophage activation by inhibiting NF-κB and ERK MAPK signaling. Pharmacological Research. 2016 June 22;111:303-15[SCI impact factor 2016: 4.480, ranked 31st in 256 journals (12.1%) of category PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY]

(35) Wang,C.J, Xie,Y., Xiang,Z., Zhou,H.*, Liu,L.*. (2015) Simultaneous determination of thirteen major active compounds in Guanjiekang preparation by UHPLC-QQQ-MS/MS. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2015 Nov 7. 118:315–321[SCI impact factor 2015: 3.169, ranked 14th in 75 journals (18.67%) of category ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY]

(36) Luo,P., Dong,G.T., Liu,L., Zhou,H.* (2015) The long-term consumption of ginseng extract reduces the susceptibility of intermediate-aged hearts to acute ischemia reperfusion injury. PLOS ONE. 2015 Dec 9. 10(12):e0144733[SCI impact factor 2015: 3.057, ranked 11th in 63 journals (17.46%) of category MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES]

(37) Li,T., Wong, V.K.W., Jiang, Z.H., Liu, Y., Wang, T.Y., Yao,X.J., Su, X.H., Yan, F.G., Liu, J., Leung, E.L.H., Yi, X.Q., Wong, Y.F., Zhou,H.*, Liu,L.*, (2015) Mutation of cysteine 46 in IKK-beta increases inflammatory responses. Oncotarget. 2015 Sep 10. 6(31):31805-31819[SCI impact factor 2015: 5.008, ranked 36th in 213 journals (16.90%) of category ONOCOLOGY]

(38) Yi, L., Luo, J.F., Xie, B.B., Liu, J.X., Liu, L., Wang, P.X., Zhou, H.*, Dong, Y.* (2015) Alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is a novel mediator of sinomenine anti-inflammation effect in macrophages stimulated by lipopolysaccharide. Shock. 2015 Aug 44(2):188-195[SCI impact factor 2015: 3.048, ranked 33th in 199 journals (16.58%) of category SURGERY]

(39) Fan,Y.F., Xie, Y., Liu, L., Ho, H.M., Wong, Y.F., Liu,Z.Q.*, Zhou,H.* (2012) Paeoniflorin reduced acute toxicity of aconitine in rats is associated with the pharmacokinetic alteration of aconitine. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2012 Jun; 141(2):701-708. [SCI impact factor 2012: 3.322, ranked 3rd in 22 journals (13.6%) of category INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE]

(40) Zhou,H.*, Hou,S.Z., Luo,P., Zeng,B., Wang,J.R., Wong,Y.F., Jiang,Z.H., Liu,L.* (2011) Ginseng protects rodent hearts from acute myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury through GR/ER-activated RISK pathway in an endothelial NOS-dependent mechanism. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2011 May 17;135(2):287-98.[SCI impact factor 2011: 3.014, ranked 31st in 190 journals (16.3%) of category PLANT SCIENCES]

(41) Luo,P.†, Wong,Y.F.†, Ge,L., Zhang,Z.F., Liu,Y., Liu,L., Zhou,H.* (2010) Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of plumbagin through inhibition of nuclear factor-kappa B activation. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 2010 Dec 1; 335;(3):735-742[SCI impact factor 2010: 4.017, ranked the 40th out of 252 journals (15.87%) in the category of PHARMACOLOGY AND PHARMACY].

(42) Yi,X.Q., Li,T., Wang,J.R., Wong,K.W.V., Luo,P., Wong,Y.F.I, Jiang,Z.H., Liu,L.*, Zhou,H.* (2010) Total ginsenosides increases coronary perfusion flow in isolated rat hearts through activation of PI3K/Akt-eNOS signaling. Phytomedicine. 2010 Aug 17; 17(13):1006-15 [SCI impact factor 2010: 2.662 ranked 3rd in 21 journals (14.29%) of category INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE].


(1) Heuberger H, Zhou H. International Standard. ISO 23723:2021 Traditional Chinese medicine — General requirements for herbal raw material and materia medica(中药材通用标准). International Organization for Standardization. 2021.08.18

(2) Liao L-P, Zhou H. International Standard. ISO 22217:2020 Traditional Chinese medicine — Storage requirements for raw materials and decoction pieces(中药材及饮片贮藏要求). International Organization for Standardization. 2020.07

(3) Zhou H, Huang Y-F. International Standard. ISO 22988:2020 Traditional Chinese medicine — Astragalus mongholicus root (蒙古黄芪). International Organization for Standardization. 2020.01

(4) Sheng Y-D, Zhou H. ISO/TR 23975:2019 Traditional Chinese medicine -- Priority list of single herbal medicines for developing standards (单味中药标准研发优先级). International Organization for Standardization. 2019.11


(1) 刘良, 周华, 黄虞枫, 谢莹, 何凡. 澳门特别行政区2020年度科学技术奖励科技进步奖二等奖(排名第2). 中药ISO国际标准体系的建立与应用. 2020.10 中国澳门

(2) 崔秀明, 黄璐琦, 刘良, 胡旭佳, 熊吟, 曲媛, 周华, 陈敏. 2020年中国标准创新贡献奖标准项目奖三等奖(排名第7). ISO 20409—2017《中医药—三七药材》等13项标准. 2020.09 中国

(3) 刘良,沈晓燕,刘中秋,周华,梁丽娴,范星星,罗培,李婷,谢莹,萧文鸾,姚小军,黄锦伟,姜志宏,朱依谆,卢琳琳. 2018年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖一等奖(排名第4). 抑制细胞增殖与分化异常的新机制研究. 2018-056, 中华人民共和国教育部. 2019.1.15 中国北京





