发布时间:2019-06-12      来源:       点击:



职称/职位:讲座教授;澳门科技大学副校长;澳门药物及健康应 用研究院院长;中药质量研究国家重点实验室副主任;金沙2004路线js5(国际中医药转化医学研究所)特聘岗位长江 讲座教授。 学位:博士
E-mail: zhjiang@must.edu.mo
个人获得荣誉: 2006年获香港浸会大 学校长奖,2007年 获“国家杰出青年科学基金海外及香港、澳门青年学者合 作研究基金奖”, 2012年获 得国家科学技术进步奖二等奖,2014年荣获国家教育部“长江学者讲座教授”称号和澳门科学技术奖-自 然科学奖二等奖。


1998.03 日本长崎大学,药学博士学位
1990.07 中国药科大学,理学硕士学位
1987.07 中国药科大学,理学学士学位
2015.09 -今 澳门科技大学,讲座教授
2011.07 - 2015.08 澳门科技大学,教授
2008.09 - 2011.06 香港浸会大学中医药学院,教授
2005.07 - 2008.08 香港浸会大学中医药学院,副教授
2001.10 - 2005.06 香港浸会大学中医药学院,助理教授
1999.11 - 2001.09 哈佛医学院生物化学与分子药理学系,博士后
1996.10 - 2001.09 日本长崎大学药学部,助手(文部教官)
1990.07 - 1994.03 中国药科大学,助教,讲师




(1) 2017 - 今:桔梗“引药上行”药效物质基础的作用机理及配伍应用的化学生物学研究。
(2)2014 - 2017:以免疫球蛋白糖基化为靶标的中药有效成份活性评价及作用机理的研究。
(3)2013 - 2016:基于全成分库的板蓝根抗流感病毒药效物质及其多靶点作用机制的研究。
(4)2012 - 2013:中药配方颗粒的质量标准的研究
(5)2011 - 2013:基于LC-MS和LC-NMR技术的创新脂组学分析平台的建立及其在中药现代研究中的应用。


(1) 科学研究:研究得到澳门科技发展基金,香港研究资助局,香港卫生署,国家自然科学基金,美国国立卫生研究院和制药企业的资助。在Organic letters等有机化学世界顶尖杂志上发表SCI论文173篇,在近5年里,发表SCI论文54篇。主编出版著作1部,亦为6部著作的副主编,获得2项美国专利、4项澳洲专利和7项中国专利授权。

(2) 学术兼职:2014 - 2019担任Chem Med Chem杂志的国际咨询委员会委员以及Scientific Reports杂志的编辑委员会委员。2012-2017担任世界中医药联合会中医药抗炎免疫专业委员会副会长、两岸四地中医药科技合作中心副理事和澳门特区政府科技委员会委员。


1)Z.-H. Jiang, G.-Y. Zhu. Enantiomeric Lignanamides from the Fruits of Cannabis sativa and Their Neuroprotective Activity. The 14th SINO-US Chemistry Professors Conference. 20, June, 2018.
2)姜志宏. 南方红豆杉tRFs的抗肿瘤活性研究. 中国化学会第32届学术年会. 5, May, 2018.

3)Z.-H. Jiang. RNA Fragment are Active Components of Ginseng against Myocardial Ischemia in Jury in Mice. The 5 th Annual Meeting of GP-TCM Research Association-cum Summit on Compendium of Material Medica and Innovative Drug Discovery in Chinese Medicine. 9, August 2016.
4)姜志宏. 基于多元LS-MS技术的糖组学研究及应用. 世界中医药学会联合会中医药免疫 专业委员会成立大会暨第一届学术年会. 2014年11月21日. 广州。
5)Z.-H. Jiang. Application of Mass Spectrometry in Sphingolipidomic Research. 28th International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products and 8 th International Conference on Biodiversity. 19, October 2014. Shanghai.


[1] H. Huang, T.-T. Tong, L.-F. Yau, C.-Y. Chen, J.-N. Mi, J.-R. Wang, Z.-H. Jiang. LC-MS Based Sphingolipidomic Study on A549 Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cell Line and Its Taxol-Resistant Strain. 2018, BMC Cancer,18, 799.
[2] J. M, Y. Han, Y. Xu, J. Kou, W.-J. Li, J.-R. Wang, Z.-H. Jiang. Deep Profiling of Immunosuppressive Glycosphingolipids and Sphingomyelins in Wild Cordyceps. J. Agric. Food Chem.,2018, 66, 8991-8998.
[3] J.-R. Wang, W.-N. Gao, R. Grimm, S. Jiang, Y. Liang, H. Ye, Z.-G. Li, L.-F. Yau, H. Huang, J. Liu, M. Jiang, Q. Meng, T.-T. Tong, H.-H. Huang, S. Lee, X. Zeng, L. Liu, Z.-H. Jiang. Reply to'Trace N-Glycans Including Sulphated Species May Originate from Various Plasma Glycoproteins and Not Necessarily IgG'. Nat Commun., 2018, 9, 2915.
[4] X. Liu, J. Fu, X.-J. Yao, J. Yang, L. Liu, T.-G. Xie, P.-C. Jiang, Z.-H. Jiang, G.-Y. Zhu. Phenolic Constituents Isolated from the Twigs of Cinnamomum Cassia and Their Potential Neuroprotective Effects. J Nat Prod., 2018, 81, 1333-1342.
[5] G.-Y. Zhu, J. Yang, X.-J. Yao, X. Yang, J. Fu, X. Liu, L.-P. Bai, L. Liu, Z.-H. Jiang.(+/-)-Sativamides A and B, Two Pairs of Racemic Nor-Lignanamide Enantiomers from the Fruitsof Cannabis Sativa. J. Org. Chem., 2018, 83, 2376-2381.
[6]. J. Yang, J. Fu, X. Liu, Z.-H. Jiang, G.-Y. Zhu. Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloids from The Leaves of Alstonia Scholaris and Their NF-Kappa B Inhibitory Activity. Fitoterapia, 2018, 124, 73-79.
[7] J.-R. Wang, W.-N. Gao, R. Grimm, S. Jiang, Y. Liang, H. Ye, Z.-G. Li, L.-F. Yau, H. Huang, J. Liu, M. Jiang, Q. Meng, T.-T. Tong, H.-H. Huang, S. Lee, X. Zeng, L. Liu, Z.-H. Jiang. A Method to Identify Trace Sulfated IgG N-glycans as Biomarkers for Rheumatoid Rrthritis. Nat Commun.,2017, 8, 631.
[8] J. Gao, M. Chen, X.-C. Ren, X.-B. Zhou, Q. Shang, W.-Q. Lu, P. Luo, Z.-H. Jiang. Synthesis and Cardiomyocyte Protection Activity of Crocetin Diamide Derivatives. Fitoterapia, 2017, 121, 106-111.
[9]. L.-M. Xie, L.-F. Yau, Z.-H. Jiang, L.-Y. Zhang, Y. Xia, J.-R. Wang. Sphingolipidomic Study of Davidiin-treated HepG2 Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Using UHPLC-MS. RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 55249-55256.
[10] X.-B. Zhou, M. Chen, Z. Zheng, G.-Y. Zhu, Z.-H. Jiang, L.-P. Bai. Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel 12-Aryl Berberine Analogues with Hypoxia-inducible Factor-1 Inhibitory Activity. RSC Advances, 2017,7, 26921-26929.
[11] D. Fan, S. Zhou, Z. Zheng, G.-Y. Zhu, X.-J. Yao, M.-R. Yang, Z.-H. Jiang, L.-P. Bai. New Abietane and Kaurane Type Diterpenoids from the Stems of Tripterygium regelii. Int J Mol Sci., 2017, 18, 147.
[12] S. Parhira, G.-Y. Zhu, M. Chen, L.-P. Bai, Z.-H. Jiang. Cardenolides from Calotropis Gigantea as Potent Inhibitors of Hypoxia-inducible Factor-1 Transcriptional Activity. J Ethnopharmacol., 2016, 194, 930-936.
[13] J.-N. Mi, Y. Han, Y. Xu, J. Kou, J.-R. Wang, Z.-H. Jiang. New Immunosuppressive Sphingoid Base and Ceramide Analogues in Wild Cordyceps. Sci Rep., 2016, 6, 38641.
[14] H. Huang, T.-T. Tong, L.-F. Yau, C.-Y. Chen, J.-N. Mi, J.-R. Wang, Z.-H. Jiang. LC-MS Based Sphingolipidomic Study on A2780 Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Line and its Taxol-resistant Strain. Sci Rep., 2016, 6, 34684.
[15] Q.-T. Feng, G.-Y. Zhu, W.-N. Gao, Z. Yang, N. Zhong, J.-R. Wang, Z.-H. Jiang. Two New Alkaloids from the Roots of Baphicacanthus cusia. Chem Pharm Bull., 2016, 64, 1505-1508.
[16] D. Fan, G.-Y. Zhu, T. Li, Z.-H. Jiang, L.-P. Bai. Dimacrolide Sesquiterpene Pyridine Alkaloids from the Stems of Tripterygium regelii. Molecules, 2016, 21, 1146.
[17] D. Fan, S. Parhira, G.-Y. Zhu, Z.-H. Jiang, L.-P. Bai. Triterpenoids from the Stems of Tripterygium Regelii. Fitoterapia, 113, 69-73, 2016. 18. J.-R. Wang, T.-T. Tong, L.-F. Yau, C.-Y. Chen, L.-P. Bai, J. Ma, M. Hu, L. Liu, Z.-H. Jiang. Characterization of Oxygenated Metabolites of Ginsenoside Rg1 in Plasma and Urine of Rat. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci, 2016, 1026, 75-86.
[18] D. Fan, G.-Y. Zhu, M. Chen, L.-M. Xie, Z-H. Jiang, L. Xu, L.-P. Bai. Dihydro-beta-agarofuran Sesquiterpene Polyesters Isolated from the Stems of Tripterygium Regelii. Fitoterapia,2016, 112, 1-8.
[19] Q. Meng, L.-F. Yau, J.-G. Lu, Z.-Z. Wu, B.-X. Zhang, J.-R. Wang, Z.-H. Jiang. Chemical Profiling and Cytotoxicity Assay of Bufadienolides in Toad Venom and Toad Skin. J Ethnopharmacol.,2016, 187, 74-82.
[20]. S. Parhira, G.-Y. Zhu, T. Li, L. Liu, L.-P. Bai, Z.-H. Jiang. Inhibition of IKK-beta by Epidioxysterols from the Flowers of Calotropis Gigantea (Niu jiao gua). Chin Med, 2016,11, 9.
[21] J. Mi, J.-R. Wang, Z.-H. Jiang, Quantitative Profiling of Sphingolipids in Wild Cordyceps and Its Mycelia by Using UHPLC-MS. Sci Rep., 2016, 6, 20870.
[22] C.-Y. Chen, L.-P. Bai, Z.-F. Ke, Y. Liu, J.-R. Wang, Z.-H. Jiang. G-Quadruplex DNA-binding Quaternary Alkaloids from Tylophora Atrofolliculata. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 114135-114142.
[23] C.-Y. Chen, G.-Y. Zhu, J.-R. Wang, Z.-H. Jiang. Phenanthroindolizidine Alkaloids from Tylophora Atrofolliculata with Hypoxia-inducible Factor-1 (HIF-1) Inhibitory Activity. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 79958-79967.

