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发布时间:2021-03-13      来源:       点击:



    基本情况:副研究员,硕士生导师(招生专业:药物化学、中药学),于2018年获得中山大学博士学位,同年以“杏林学者”形式加入金沙2004路线js5。主要从事海洋微生物来源的新药发现及中药药效物质研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金、广东省教育厅等科研课题,在天然药物领域知名期刊Organic Letters,Chemical Communications等发表论文,所培养研究生获得“广东省优秀研究生”,国家奖学金等奖励。


1. 国家自然基金青年基金项目,基于“crosstalk”策略探究山胡椒中抗类风湿性关节炎的物质基础及作用机制,在研,主持;                          2. 广东省教育厅特色创新项目,基于“代谢分流”策略调控土曲霉代谢新型骨架杂萜类化合物及其抗肥胖活性研究,在研,主持;




  • 1. Yuqian Tang#, Yena Liu#, Qingfeng Ruan, Min Zhao, Zhongxiang Zhao*, and Hui Cui*. Aspermeroterpenes A−C: three meroterpenoids from the marine-derived fungus Aspergillus terreus GZU-31-1. Organic Letters, 2020, 22, 1336−1339.

    2. Yuqian Tang#, Yanwen Li#, Min Zhao, Qingfeng Ruan, Yena Liu, Chanjuan Li*, Zhongxiang Zhao*, Hui Cui*. Furanasperterpenes A and B, two meroterpenoids with a novel 6/6/6/6/5 ring system from the marine-derived fungus Aspergillus terreus GZU-31-1. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2020, 100, 103968.

    3. Yuqian Tang, Xiaocong Chen, Yuwei Zhou, Min Zhao, Jingxin He, Yena Liu,Guangying Chen*, Zhongxiang Zhao *, Hui Cui*. Furanaspermeroterpenes A and B, two unusual meroterpenoids with a unique 6/6/6/5/5 pentacyclic skeleton from the Marine-derived fungus Aspergillus terreus GZU-31-1. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2021, 114, 105111.

    4. Min Zhao#, Yuqian Tang#, Jingwen Xie, Zhongxiang Zhao*, Hui Cui*. Meroterpenoids produced by fungi: Occurrence, structural diversity, biological activities, and their molecular targets. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2021, 209, 112860.

    5. Qing-feng Ruan,# Shi-qin Jiang,# Xiao-yun Zheng, Yu-qian Tang, Bao Yang, Tao Yi, Jing Jin, Hui Cui* and Zhongxiang Zhao*. Pseudoguaianelactones A–C: three unusual sesquiterpenoids from Lindera glauca with anti-inflammatory activities by inhibiting the LPS-induced expression of iNOS and COX-2. Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 1517-1520.

    6. Cui, Hui; Lin, Yun; Luo, Mingchu; She, Zhigang. Diaporisoindoles A-C: three isoprenylisoindole alkaloid derivatives from the mangrove endophytic fungus Diaporthe sp SYSU-HQ3. Organic Letters 2017, 19, 5621-5624.

    7. Cui, Hui; Liu, Yena; She, Zhigang. Diaporindenes A-D: four unusual 2, 3-dihydro-1h-indene analogues with anti-inflammatory activities from the mangrove endophytic fungus Diaporthe sp. SYSU-HQ3. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2018, 83, 11804−11813.

