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2017年1月至今 金沙2004路线js5方剂教研室教授
2011年11月至2017年1月 金沙2004路线js5方剂教研室副教授
2009年7月至2011年11月 金沙2004路线js5方剂教研室讲师
2008年1月~2009年3月  以访问学者身份在香港浸会大学进行研究工作
2004年9月~2009年7月 金沙2004路线js5博士研究生(硕博连读)
2000年9月~2004年7月 湖南中医药大学(本科)


1. 基于FGF21调控线粒体分裂融合动态平衡途径探讨根皮苷抑制肝细胞脂质沉积的作用机制,广东省高校创新强校课题子项目(金沙2004路线js5创新科研项目——面上项目,A1-AFD018171Z11026)20万元,2017.05~2019.05,主持,在研。
2. 肠道代谢与免疫炎症研究团队的建设。金沙2004路线js5金沙2004路线js5中药学重点学科科研创新团队建设启动项目,3万元,2016.09~2017.09,主持,结题。
3. 根皮苷诱导肥胖动物白色脂肪棕色化的机制研究(AFD016151Z3207 ),2014年广东省高校“优秀青年教师培养计划”项目,30万元,2015.01~2017.12,主持,结题。
4. 中药系列新产品的研发。深圳繁茂医药科技有限公司资助(横向项目)。60万元,2013.01~2017.07,主持,结题。
5. 基于Tyk2/STAT3信号通路介导的棕色脂肪细胞分化及能量代谢探讨根皮苷抑制肥胖的机制研究. 2013年国家自然科学基金委项目(编号:81303281);23万元,2013.10-2016.10,主持;结题。
6. ST-F 治疗2 型糖尿病新药的临床前研究.2012年广东省教育部产学研结合项目(编号:2012B091100184);30万元,2012.10-2015.10,主持;结题。
7. 与葛根素致红细胞溶血相关的代谢通路的表征.2011年教育部新教师基金项目(编号:20114425120012);4万元,2011.10-2013.10,主持;结题。
8. 颗粒细胞凋亡及线粒体膜电位与铁皮石斛抑制卵巢衰老的相关性研究.2011年广东省东莞市高等院校科技计划项目(编号:2011108102023);7万元,2011.01-2012.12,主持;结题。



[1] 侯少贞,高洁. 针对中药学类专业特点的方剂学教学体会.中医杂志,2012 , 53 (9) :807-808
[2] 侯少贞, 高洁, 全世建, 曾元儿. 中药学专业方剂学授课效果提高的几点体会,《中国中医药现代远程教育》 , 2015 , 13 (5) :84-86


《人间仙草——铁皮石斛》, 主编.中国中医药出版社,2013.04。
《方剂学》,编委. 中山大学出版社,2013.05


1. 一种维生素D受体激动剂,排名第一,申请号:CN201810472547
2. 一种中药组合物及其用途和制剂制备方法,排名第二,申请号: 201210024393.0;
3. 铁皮石斛的药用用途,排名第一,申请号:201210010975.3;(已授权)
4. 一种药物组合物及其用途,排名第二,申请号:201210024378.6;
   5. 一种治疗冠心病的中药组合物及其制备方法,排名第五,申请号:201110329814.6


  • [1] He L, Yan X, Liang J, Li S, He H, Xiong Q, Lai X, Hou S*(通讯作者), Huang S*(通讯作者). Comparison of different extraction methods for polysaccharides from Dendrobium officinale stem.CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS.2018;198:101-108.(IF 5.158 )
    [2] Wu YY, Liang CY, Liu TT, Liang YM, Li SJ , Lu YY, Liang J, Yuan X, Li CJ, Hou SZ*(通讯作者), Lai XP*(通讯作者).Protective roles and mechanisms of polysaccharides from Dendrobium officinal on natural aging-induced premature ovarian failure. Biomed Pharmacother. 2018;101:953-960. (IF 3.457 )
    [3] Yuan X, Xu S, Huang H, Liang J, Wu Y, Li C, Yuan H, Zhao X, Lai X, Hou S*(通讯作者). Influence of excessive exercise on immunity, metabolism, and gut microbial diversity in an overtraining mice model. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2018 May;28(5):1541-1551.(IF 3.174)
    [4] Ying-yu Lu, Jian Liang, Shu-Xian Chen, Bing-xin Wang, Han Yuan, Can-taoLi, Ya-yun Wu, Yan-fang Wu, Xu-guang Shi, Jie Gao*, Shaozhen Hou*(通讯作者). Phloridzin Alleviate Colitis In Mice By Protecting The Intestinal Brush Border And Improving The Expression Of Sodium Glycogen Transporter. Journal of Functional Foods, 2018 2018 , 45 :348-354. (IF 3.470)
    [5] Jian Liang, Ji-Wang Liang, Hai-Rong Hao, Huan Lin, Peng Wang, Yan-Fang Wu, Xiao-Li Jiang, Chao-Di Fu, Qian Li, Ping Ding, Hua-Zhen Liu, Qing-Ping Xiong, Xiao-Ping Lai, Lian Zhou*, Sham-Yuen Chan*, Shao-Zhen Hou*(通讯作者). The Extracts of Morinda Officinalis and Its Hairy-roots Attenuate DSS-induced Chronic Ulcerative Colitis in Mice by Regulating Inflammation and Lymphocyte Apoptosis. Infrontiers in Immunology. 2017; 8: 905. (IF 5.511)
    [6] Liang J, Chen SX, Huang S, Wu YY, Zhou CJ, Jiang DX, Liang CY, Yuan HQ, Hou SZ*(通讯作者), Lai XP*. Evaluation of toxicity studies of flavonoid fraction of Lithocarpus polystachyus Rehd in rodents. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2017 Jul 8. pii: S0273-2300(17)30190-3. (IF 2.815)
    [7] Liang CY, Liang YM, Liu HZ, Zhu DM, Hou SZ, Wu YY, Huang S. Lai XP. Effect of Dendrobium officinale on D-galactose-induced aging mice. CHINESE JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE. 2017 Jan 12.(IF=1.116)
    [8] Yuan X, Wu YY, Liang J, Yuan HQ, Zhao XJ, Hou SZ*(通讯作者). Phlorizin treatment attenuates obesity and related disorders through improving BAT thermogenesis. Journal of Functional Foods. 27(2016) 429– 438.  (IF 3.973)
    [9] Feng CP, Tang HM, Huang S, Hou SZ, Liang J, Huang W, Lai XP. Evaluation of the effects of the water-soluble total flavonoids from Isodon lophanthoides var.gerardianus (Benth.) H. Hara on apoptosis in HepG2 cell: Investigation of the most relevant mechanisms. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2016, 21;188:70-9. (IF=2.981)
    [10] Hou SZ, Liang CY, Liu HZ1, Zhu DM, Wu YY, Liang J, Zhao Y, Guo JR, Huang S, Lai XP. Dendrobium officinale Prevents Early Complications in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats.Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2016;2016:6385850. (IF=1.740)
    [11] Li X, Zhao Y, Huang S, Song W, Zeng X, Hou SZ, Lai XP. New dihydrochalcone and propenamide from Lithocarpus polystachyus. Natural Product Communications. 2014;9(5):653-4. (IF 0.773)
    [12] Zhou CJ, Huang S, Liu JQ, Qiu SQ, Xie FY, Song HP, Li YS, Hou SZ, Lai XP. Sweet tea leaves extract improves leptin resistance in diet-induced obese rats.Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2013 ;145(1):386-92. (IF 2.939)
    [13] Luo Pei, Hou Shaozhen, Dong Gengting, Chen Tingbo, Liu Liang, Zhou Hua. Effectiveness of Panax ginseng on Acute Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury Was Abolished by Flutamide via Endogenous Testosterone-Mediated Akt Pathway. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2013;2013:817826.(IF 2.175)
    [14] Hou Shao-Zhen, Xu Shi-jie, Jiang Dong-Xxu, Chen Shu-xian, Wang Ling-li, Huang Song, Lai Xxiao-ping.Effect of the flavonoid fraction of Lithocarpus polystachyus Rehd. on spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2012,143(2):441-447. (IF 2.755)
    [15] Shao-zhen Hou, Shu-xian Chen, Song Huang, Dong-xu Jiang, Cai-Jie Zhou, Chang-qing Chen, Ying-min Liang, Xiao-ping Lai. The hypoglycemic activity of Lithocarpus polystachyus Rehd. leaves in the experimental hyperglycemic rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2011, 1(138):142-149. (IF 3.014)
    [16] Shao-Zhen Hou, Zi-Ren Su, Shu-Xian Chen, Mu-Rong Ye, Song Huang, Liang Liu, Hua Zhou, Xiao-Ping Lai. Role of the interaction between puerarin and the erythrocyte membrane in puerarin-induced hemolysis. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2011, 3(192):184-192 (IF 2.832)
    [17] Zhou,H., Hou,S.Z., Luo,P., Zang,B., Wong,Y.F., Liu,L.  Standardized Ginseng Extract Protects Rat Hearts From Ischemia and Reperfusion Injury via GR/PI3K/Akt/eNOS Signaling. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2011, 2(135):287-298. (IF 3.014)

